lørdag den 12. marts 2011

Egypten leger Taleban og jorder gammelt kloster

Munkene på et kloster i Egypten besluttede at bygge en beskyttelsesmur rundt om klosteret. Det skulle de aldrig have gjort:

Det er morsomt, at hæren sagtens kan finde mænd til at nedbryde de mure, de bygger for at beskytte dem selv, men ikke til at beskytte dem, når klostrene bliver angrebet.

Læs mere her på Catholic.org:

After the uprising began about a month ago, the police who had been protecting the monks deserted their posts. One of the monasteries was subsequently attacked by prisoners who had escaped during the uprising. And six monks were injured at the second monastery when it was attacked by armed Arabs and robbers. As a result, the monks requested help from the state security office, but they were told that no police were available to help them. They also called the military and were told they had to protect themselves until the military could send help. It was then that the monks decided to build fences for protection.

Then around February 20, the army attacked Saint Makarios Monastery of Alexandria located about 62 miles from Cairo. The article states that the army stormed the monastery using live ammunition. When the attack was over, more than ten monks were injured. One was shot. All of the others were beaten. The army destroyed the fence and part of the monastery. They also confiscated the monk's building materials.

About two days later the army approached the fifth-century, Saint Bishoy Monastery in Wadi el-Natroun with five tanks, armored vehicles and a bulldozer. Saint Bishoy is about seven miles further from Cairo than the first monastery. The attack was brutal, and it lasted for about thirty minutes. By the time it was over, around eight people were wounded and four were arrested.

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